Selasa, 28 Februari 2012 0 komentar


Oleh: Muhammad Irwan Khoiruddin

Berapa banyak orang di dunia ini yang hidupnya dipenuhi rasa kegelisahan dalam hatinya dan kebingungan yang tak berujung hanya karena persepsi yang salah tentang kebahagiaan. Sebenarnya apa itu kebahagian itu? Megapa banyak orang sulit untuk meraihnya? Apakah meraka tidak bisa menemukan kebahagiaan? Atau mereka menemukan hal yang mirip dengan kebahagiaan tetapi sesungguhnya bukan kebahagiaan?
Pertanyaan ini sudah muncul sejak berabad-abad yang lalu dan misteri kebahagiaan ini masih saja belum menemukan jawaban yang tuntas, disini saya akan mencoba untuk menoba mendevinisikan kebahagian tersebut,
1 komentar

Moral Remaja Masa Kini

Etika Pergaulan Remaja DALAM Pandangan Islam

Islam telah mengatur etika pergaulan remaja. Perilaku tersebut merupakan batasan-batasan yang dilandasi nilai-nilai agama. Oleh karena itu perilaku tersebut harus diperhatikan, dipelihara, dan dilaksanakan oleh para remaja. 

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012 2 komentar

Debate Text


Theme : Shoul Homework be banned?( For The Student)

Thesis : Homework is one form task for the student

Argument 1 : Homework can be defined as activities outside the classroom is an extension of the assigment in class.

Elaboration 1 : homework can provided to all students in the class, The teachers give the student some homework, so the student like school on theirs house.

Argument 2 : Homework consist of three classifices the kind of homework.

Elaboration 2 : 1. Practise assignments, which strengthens the skills or knowledge you just acquired, For example, when new studentslearn about different types of leaves, they were asked to find example of these leaves in his neighborhood.

2. Preparation assigments, which is intended to provide background on particular topics. For example, students can prepare for certain lessons by reading the text or by collecting the materials before the lesson is given.

3. Extension assigments, which is designed to practice the material that has never been studied pr expand knowledge of the students by encouraging them to do more research on the subject in question after the topics studied in class.

Argument 3 : Homework have much the function for the student.

Elaboration 3 : Homework have much the function that are improve student achievement, strengthen and reinforce the topics taught in class, completing unfinished work, developing independent learning skills, develop skills to manage time, and extend school time.

Recomendation : Homework exact form will depend on the purpose of which is attempted to be achieved by teachers. However, the reason for all this goal is to assist student learning. This brings us to the question of whether homework is an effective learning school.



Homework is one form task for the student. Homework can be defined as activities outside the classroom is an extension of the assigment in class. Homework can provided to all students in the class, The teachers give the student some homework, so the student like school on theirs house.

Homework consist of three classifices the kind of homework that are: 1. Practise assignments, which strengthens the skills or knowledge you just acquired, For example, when new studentslearn about different types of leaves, they were asked to find example of these leaves in his neighborhood. 2. Preparation assigments, which is intended to provide background on particular topics. For example, students can prepare for certain lessons by reading the text or by collecting the materials before the lesson is given.3. Extension assigments, which is designed to practice the material that has never been studied pr expand knowledge of the students by encouraging them to do more research on the subject in question after the topics studied in class.

Homework have much the function for the student. Homework have much the function that are improve student achievement, strengthen and reinforce the topics taught in class, completing unfinished work, developing independent learning skills, develop skills to manage time, and extend school time.

Homework exact form will depend on the purpose of which is attempted to be achieved by teachers. However, the reason for all this goal is to assist student learning. This brings us to the question of whether homework is an effective learning school.
